This video describes the different parts of a pressure cooker, and how to use it. The pressure cooker consists of a heavy gauge pot and a tight fitting locking lid with a pressure release and a button ...

This video shows how to use a French press coffee maker. We need 8 0'clock coffee regular or course grind, teaspoon measure long handled spoon, Pyrex measuring cup, the French press coffee maker and a ...

"Foodborne illnesses are responsible for more than 75 million illnesses, more than 230,000 hospitalizations, and approximately 5000 deaths each year in the United States." In this six-part video lesso ...

Every restaurant, or cook for that matter, should know how to wash their hands the right way when handling food. In this two-part video tutorial, learn how to properly wash your hands if you handle fo ...

Gourmet editor, Ruth, tells us all about the different graters and why choosing the best grater for each job is very important. The classical grater is called a knuckle bleeder. This is because when y ...

Food editor Ian Knauer demonstrates a simple method for using a whetstone and a steel to keep your blades sharp. Just follow along and learn how.-What you really need is a whetstone. It should have tw ...

This video is how to open a metal can with the corner of a knife. First, you must find a knife that has a ninety-degree angle where the corner is a sharp point. A cleaver, like the one shown in the ...

Just got a smoker? Well, how do you use it? Before you slap on the meat and try it out without any prior knowledge, check out this video for the basics of using a smoker. You won't regret it. The ...

Have you ever been caught with nothing to eat but canned soup or tuna fish and no can opener in sight? In this video, AJ Conover demonstrates how to open a can with a hammer and nail. First make sur ...